Friday 25 March 2011

Eco Build Highlights

The latest issue of Green Eyes highlights some of the products we liked at Eco Build.

Thursday 24 March 2011

Predicting Trends

tilney shane's creative team recently attended the Scarlet Opus Trend Forecasting seminar hosted by Steelcase. Terri Scott presented the highlights to the rest of the tilney shane team at one of our monthly discussions. You can view the presentation on our Flickr page. For further information, please contact or visit the Scarlet Opus Trend Forecasting blog

Tuesday 22 March 2011

British sculpture exhibition

Lauren Crilly and Sophie Taylor recently attended an evening at the Royal Academy of Arts to see the first exhibition for 30 years to examine British sculpture of the twentieth century. The show represents a unique view of the development of British sculpture, exploring what we mean by the terms British and sculpture by bringing the two together in a chronological series of strongly themed galleries, each making its own visual argument.