Wednesday 4 November 2009

website launch

Thanks to the team at Dhub for creating our new website. To view more of their work, go to

insignt 16 November

download an electronic copy of Insight 16

christmas is coming

with the december editions of magazines arriving on your doorstep in september and christmas parties being held in november because no one is around in december, christmas seems to start earlier each year. 
sooner the better we say!
here are a selection of web links to get you in the mood.

recycled decorations:

living christmas trees:

christmas day walk:

ice bar:

ice skating:

green eyes update

Shannon Pope -Ellis and Tim King produce a monthly internal environmental news letter that keeps us all up to date with the latest in technology, statutory obligations and green trends that are affecting the word in which we live.

Shannon Pope Ellis remarks 'our environmental mission is simply to positively influence climate change and our direct and indirect impact on the environment through responsible design and through informed working practice.'